Join us AT OPEN INVEST to meet and engage directly with the people and projects at the core of OPEN’s investment activities. We’ll be showcasing the significant highlights, achievements and new initiatives planned at Greenman OPEN as well as launching the Greenman OPEN app, a mobile application supporting a more seamless investment process.

The day will feature interactive exhibits and presentations that showcase our latest projects and partnerships, providing a glimpse into the potential of OPEN. You can expect to network with Greenman leaders, engage in insightful discussions, and explore new opportunities that embody our pioneering approach in the market.

Discover the growing process of our vertical farm and taste the difference in the crops produced there. Check out our hyperfast EV chargers and learn about the German rollout plan for Greenman Energy. Shop at Kaufland’s store, one of Germany’s largest grocers and one of OPEN’s key anchor tenants and ultimately discover how all of these investment zones connect to create investor returns, growing income for investors.


9:00 – 12:30:

Interactive educational sessions exclusively for second and third level students.

13:00 – 17:00:

OPEN Expo opens to the public featuring interactive showcases from OPEN’s four core investment zones and special projects.

17:00 – 19:30:

Networking drinks and special guests.


Explore the OPEN INVEST Expo to discover how Greenman OPEN is innovating investment with our expertise across four specialised zones. Each zone is designed to integrate cutting-edge technology with strategic investment practices, aiming to enhance asset value and generate revenue:

Real Estate Zone

Explore our real estate strategies that integrate traditional investment principles with advanced technology and hands-on management. This zone demonstrates how our approach enhances property values and drives sustainable long-term growth.

Utilities Zone

See first-hand how our Utilities division transforms properties into energy-efficient hubs. This area features interactive displays of our investments in solar energy, electric vehicle charging stations, and other innovative energy solutions that serve our communities and enhance property value.

Networks Zone

Dive into the data-driven backbone of our operations. This zone uses interactive displays to show how data on footfall and energy usage is captured and utilised to optimise property efficiency and sustainability.

Resources Zone

Discover our innovative use of urban spaces through projects like our vertical farms, which efficiently grow and supply fresh greens to local communities, and our rooftop beekeeping initiatives that contribute to biodiversity.


Be part of the future of investment with Greenman OPEN at OPEN INVEST.

Register now to secure your ticket – spaces are limit.

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