On September 17th, 2024, Greenman OPEN hosted OPEN INVEST, a landmark event marking its official conversion to an ELTIF fund. The team behind OPEN seized the opportunity to present their latest innovations and future-thinking strategies that are driving progress and delivering income.

The day featured interactive exhibits and presentations that showcased our latest projects and partnerships, providing a glimpse into the potential of OPEN. Attendees had the opportunity to network with Greenman leaders, engage in insightful discussions about retail investment, and explore new opportunities that embodied our pioneering approach in the market.

Guests discovered the growing process of our vertical farm and experienced the difference in the crops produced there. They also checked out our hyperfast EV chargers and learned about the German rollout plan for Greenman Energy. Visitors shopped at Kaufland’s store, one of Germany’s largest grocers and a key anchor tenant of OPEN, ultimately discovering how all of these investment zones connected to create investor returns and grow income for investors


Attendees explored the OPEN INVEST Expo to discover how Greenman OPEN was innovating investment through its expertise across four specialized zones. Each zone was designed to integrate cutting-edge technology with strategic investment practices, aimed at enhancing asset value and generating revenue.

Real Estate Zone

GFORM and White Bird are transforming the way we manage real estate assets by building long-term tenant relationships and securing green leases that provide lasting value. By collaborating closely with tenants, including some of Germany’s largest grocery chains, they’re helping create the supermarkets of tomorrow—sustainable buildings equipped with innovative technologies and future-thinking designs.

Utilities Zone

Greenman Energy is at the forefront of clean energy integration, leading the way with the installation of photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure across our assets. These technologies are helping create resilient, energy-efficient properties that contribute to a greener future.

Networks Zone

yes& and TechMash Software Solutions are closing the data gap by collecting and analysing data to optimise building performance and reduce environmental impact, turning insights into value.

Resources Zone

Through Potager Farm and BEEZDORF INITIATIVE, we are turning urban spaces into hubs for farming, biodiversity, and education. These projects not only transform underutilised spaces but also promote sustainability and environmental awareness within communities.


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